The First CD I bought?

The First CD I bought was?
The first cd I bought was Disturbed, Indestructible. I bought it in like 2010. I got a ride to Walmart after making a little bit of money doing side jobs. This cd was bought at Walmart. I think I paid like 10$ or a little less. But it was brand new. I remember putting in my computer. The desktop was old, let it rip the cd. Then I started listening to the cd and helped me become a bigger fan of the band. I was amazed at the sound of the band. The cd was a great listen to. I still like Disturbed till this day, but this cd and the sickness hooked me into liking Disturbed. The album is definitely a great listen to. The songs I like the most are the night, Perfect Insanity, and the title track, Indestructible. It has a great rocking feel and really great songs that are able to be listen to more than once. I would say this album is one of my favorites by Disturbed.
Do I still Listen to Disturbed?
I got into Disturbed late 2009 into early 2010. For a year or two this was my favorite band. I still listen to at times but I kind of lost interest after the album, Immortalized, which I bought that cd, and haven't really cared for the last album or two but still listen to the older stuff. I do have the sickness remastered, believe, indestructible, and immortalized on cd. I also have Disturbed Indestructible in Germany live. I used to have Disturbed meaning of life on dvd but sold it a couple years ago. But because of how much I listened to them between 2010-2013, I think I don't listen to them as much as I used and became a little burned out so only listen to them every now and then. Kind of the same with Metallica. But, as I got older, I got into other genres, like thrash metal or some hardcore metal like biohazard and pro-pain. Also, some sludge like crowbar and black label society. I still like Disturbed, but my favorite band has changed through the years. See top 5 blogs to see who my favorite band is now. But with this band I still like them and think Disturbed is a great band even though I like more of the older stuff of their catalog of music.
Do I still buy CDS?
I haven't bought a cd in a couple of years. But like you saw in my YouTube video, do I buy CDs or download CDs, I show you both of what I have in a short like one minute video. I did buy a couple CDs in 2010 then got into downloading music from 2010 to spring of 2016. I haven tons of stuff on blank cds. Then in the spring of 2016, I got into buying CDS. I wanted to support bands instead of downloading music for free. The first couple CDS I bought were Megadeth United Abominations, and Cold year of the spider. I have bought about 500 CDs between 2016 to 2020. I stopped buying as much on CDs to save money and cut back on expenses. So, I haven't bought a cd in about 3 years. I might get back into buying CDs again. But I do listen to music through YouTube and Pandora. I still buy T-shirts from time to time. But haven't bought a cd in a couple of years to save money to pays bills and support my online business.
DO I have any CDs for sale?
I don't have any Disturbed CDS for sale but can get some if someone requests them as in something to have for sale. I do have a few CDs for sale like creed and biohazard. I will get more CDs to sell eventually. You can always request an item of vinyl or cd for sale, and I will try to see if I can find that. I also use bubble wrap on all cd orders. How Do I get CDs to sell? By buying in bulk or find some at thrift stores. I buy cds for myself usually through ebay or somewhere online like discogs. I sometimes buy CDs at Walmart. But I do buy CDs to resell from time to time and you never know what I may have for sale. You can see by using the search in the search of CD.
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The first cd I bought was Disturbed, Indestructible. I bought it in like 2010. I got a ride to Walmart after making a little bit of money doing side jobs. This cd was bought at Walmart. I think I paid like 10$ or a little less. But it was brand new. I remember putting in my computer. The desktop was old, let it rip the cd. Then I started listening to the cd and helped me become a bigger fan of the band. I was amazed at the sound of the band. The cd was a great listen to. I still like Disturbed till this day, but this cd and the sickness hooked me into liking Disturbed. The album is definitely a great listen to. The songs I like the most are the night, Perfect Insanity, and the title track, Indestructible. It has a great rocking feel and really great songs that are able to be listen to more than once. I would say this album is one of my favorites by Disturbed.
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