Metallica Vs. Megadeth

Who's Better?
Growing up as a teenager I discovered both and became a fan of both bands. Both have had success in the 80s and 90s. Even have success to this day. Both to me both have had great periods of music and a bad period of music. Both have definitely made an impact. But to me in the 80s, I think Metallica took off and Megadeth slowly took off because they were always second place to Metallica. But with the black album and countdown to extinction, both have had success and even commercial success. But the question is, who's better? I think in the 80's Metallica was better because of their music was unstoppable and hard hitting. I would say Metallica was still even strong after Cliff passed. Megadeth had some good stuff too like peace sells and rust in peace, but I still like Metallica better. In the 90's I think both music kind of declined, and the music wasn't the greatest as in I only like a few songs on Youthanasia and I like most of Cryptic Writing, but hated risk, system has failed, and the world needs a hero. I did like the Black album but only liked certain off load and reload like Fuel, King Nothing, and Fixxer. I did like Garage Inc, and I disappear.
The 2000s
I thought in the 2000 both were still somewhat strong. I think Megadeth was to me starting to become better and Metallica was starting to decline. I think in the 2000s up till now Megadeth would slowly become the better band. But Metallica came back in 2003 hot, fast and hungry. But lost it in 2004. I did only like 4 songs off saint anger. I felt Megadeth was still pretty good live and Metallica was starting to kind of sound like crap live, at least James's voice. Megadeth next couple albums were pretty good as in united abomination and loved the songs on it. Endgame was great too. I also liked 13 and felt like this was like a countdown kind of album. Metallica did great with Death Magnetic and the songs felt like old Metallica to a point, and I really liked it. But felt like Lulu sucked and Beyond Magnetic kind of was alright at best. It was great seeing Metallica go in the hall of fame, but I think Dave should have gone in with Metallica. But maybe the hall of fame will get their head out their butts and induct Megadeth in like they did Metallica. By the late 2000s, Megadeth was the better band. Metallica wasn't bad but definitely lost its anger and hunger. I guess money can do that.
2010 and on till now
The big 4 definitely was great. Great to see Anthrax and Joey reunite. That band is highly underrated and might be putting out the best of the big 4 at the moment. I feel like 80s slayer is great but their music kind of became repetitive. I felt like Megadeth was still strong and Metallica shows weren't bad, but Hetfield voice has declined, and it didn't feel like the old Metallica. I wasn't big on super collider and couldn't get into it except for the cold sweat Thin Lizzy cover. I did like Dystopia, I enjoyed the album so much I bought the cd, and even like the latest album, The sick, the dying, and the death. The album sounded good from what I have heard. Both albums, Dystopia and the newest albums, the sick, the dying, and the death, were both great and felt like Megadeth is still delivering on releasing new music. Now Metallica, with Hardwire, I liked it a lot I bought the cd and felt like this is like old Metallica to a modern style of the band. It had a lot of great music and loved spit out of the bone a lot. I even enjoyed the Lords of summers song. I thought this is great for Metallica to release after 8 years. I did watch a few YouTube Videos and Metallica as in a band wasn't bad live and even looked strong in 2019 until right before early 2020. Now since 2020, Metallica has come back and live they aren't that great. Sometimes, James will bring it with his voice but i don't think it ever came back to how it was in 2003 or up until like 1993 or 1994 live. With the latest album of 72 seasons, I wasn't a fan. I kind of liked the title track but this album was hard to get into. I tried to give it a listen and liked I covered in another blog, I don't think Metallica needed a new album if the album wasn't going to deliver like hardwire or even 15 years prior, with Death Magnetic. I think both are great, but Metallica has had its up and downs, but Megadeth can still deliver live and with their new music.
Overall thoughts
I like both bands and still listen to both, definitely the older stuff here and there. I think Metallica was stronger and better back in the day but has kind of lost a little bit piece of the sound of the band with age, and Megadeth still delivers. I have just about every album of Metallica and a couple albums of Megadeth, like united abominations, and countdown to extinction on CD. But to listen to both modern, both can put out great music and can still play live. But I feel like Megadeth still delivers live and Metallica has lost a step or two. Now I never have seen either live except on YouTube. Maybe that will change one day but tickets are kind of expensive. Who do I think is better? I think Metallica was better in the 80s but it was close. Both were really delivering the 80s live and in album release. Both weren't that great in the 90s. Except selective songs were alright. In the 2000, Megadeth became in my opinion, the better band, as in Metallica was starting to decline.
Do I sell Metallica or Megadeth stuff?
From time to time, I have sold stuff of both bands. So, check back every now and you never know what I have. I do have shirts and CDs of both bands. I even take requests. So, you never know unless you ask, I can always buy something just for someone to buy. But most of the time I just collect their stuff, but you never know unless you ask. I do have some rare stuff of Metallica like S and M on cd and acoustic metal.
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