Want to donate?



  • You can pick a topic or help us out, and the donation can as little as 5$.
  • Either to PayPal using rj_hudson@hotmail.com or donate through buy me a coffee like in the next part as you scroll down.
  • You can also donate by clicking the buy me a coffee link when you go to donate link on website.
  • My topics are wrestling, business, heavy metal, and thoughts and reviews.
  • I offer like on donate page, a blog, and videos on my YouTube channel, rjmetal93.

What We Offer?

YouTube Channel

  • YouTube channel is rjmetal93. My topics are wrestling, business, heavy metal, and thoughts and reviews.
  • I try to post a new video every week even if its shorts.
  • Click the link to go to my YouTube Channel, rjmetal93

Blogs - Posts

  • We have a blog, and the topics are wrestling, business, heavy metal, and thoughts and reviews.

  • I try to write a new post about once a week or so.

  • But feel free to suggest a topic. 

  • The worst I can say is no.

How To Donate?

  • Go ahead and you can even suggest a topic for my blog or YouTube.
  • You will get ahead of everyone else by donating as little as 5$ to my buy a coffee account, by clicking the link below.
  • Click on the message box to suggest a topic after paying or contact by email.